Wednesday, 6 August 2014




According to Bloomberg Ebola's origin is...

"...unknown, but fruit bats are considered the most likely host, according to the World Health Organization. Ebola jumps to humans from infected animals including chimpanzees, gorillas and bats that live in the rainforest through contact with blood or other bodily fluids such as urine and saliva. Infection can also occur if broken skin or mucous membranes of a healthy person come into contact with environments that have. become contaminated with an Ebola patient’s infectious fluids such as soiled clothing, bed linen, or used needles."

It can be deduced that...

Since the German technological company called OTRAG from West Germany secured a huge area the size of Indiana State (USA) in Congo Zaire (now DRC) from President Mobutu in the mid 70s which was cordoned off for close guarded scientific experiments and whose results were not known to the governments of the Congo, Nigeria, Africa Union etc, the Ebola virus  started from the same Congo where those German experiments took place, though their cover story was that they were conducting experiments on rockets science and aero-space technology. Therefore it can be strongly established that this particular Ebola virus was intentionally engineered genetically, else why hasn't there been a single report of any Congolese afflicted with a malaise similar to that which this hemorrhage causing Ebola causes in their historical past? Why wasn't there any reported cases in the history of pre-colonial Africa about anyone or people who were so sick they bleed from their orifice to which it spreads fast, a endemic of such magnitude couldn't have escaped the annals of human history like history did documented The Bubonic Plague pandemic. Now, the question is not how they did it but why...

"Ebola patients in Africa would start getting cure when white elites in the UK, US, Australia, Canada and Asia gets infected. For now it's an African disease and huge pharmaceutical companies wouldn't profit from the drug until there is a large lethal case available, then the drug would sell considerably. For now Africa is a case study to taste its scourge and then capitalists would lobby WHO to assist them. The capitalists are in cahoot with pharmaceutical companies. Billions would be made from the deal and ZMapp would be available. By then it would be cheap, but not because the capitalists have subsidize it out of generosity, but because it had profited huge billions from WHO. The world is controlled by capitalist nations and Africa is it payday"
Strikingly, the first reported case of Ebola was in the Congo in 1976, and has lately jumped from the Congo to a distance of about 3,000km into the extreme end of West Afria, what’s going on? In addition, a straight line from the Congo/Sudan to Maiduguri, Nigeria is shorter than from the Congo/Sudan to Guinea. Human trafficking traffic from the Congo/Sudan to Maiduguri/Cameroon is higher than those from the Congo/Sudan to Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone. Why has there been no reported cases from the Maiduguri/Cameroon axis all this years? Therefore, the Ebola virus may have been planted deliberately in the forested zone of West Africa! Well, aside from Uncle Sam keeping to the reputation of salvaging her citizen(s) in dire condition anywhere in the world, it is hard to ignore the notion that Dr. Maurice Iwu's herbal based disclosure in 1999 at the16th International Botanical Congress in St Louis, which as expected was dismissed as unscientific, but did/may have provided the template for the miraculous ZMapp! However, rather than lamenting on why the Federal Government of the so-called giant of Africa had showed no interest to ignite Iwu's research with enough funding that he wouldn't have had to seek approval abroad at the expense of revealing his lead information to the smart Yanks, many Nigerians readers will consider this analysis as  outrageous a speculation. Many of whom had already resorted to Argumentum ad hominem attacks on the personage of Iwu over a controversial electoral gaffe that is not only foregone but bears no relevance to the crux of the growing Ebola monstrosity whilst assuming to be oblivious to the fact that...

"...after using the brain of a Nigerian to make the breakthrough, they carried out the 'controlled testing' at Kenema hospital in Liberia using hundreds of Africans as guinea pigs, then triumphantly broadcasted to the world that a "secret serum" "stored at subzero temperature" was "flown in from the US", later...the pharmaceutical company behind this has already started counting millions as its share price rose 40% on the stock market yesterday alone"

1974: Mohammed Ali vs George Foreman, the heavy weight world championship fight in Kinshasa, Congo. "Ali Bomaye" "Rumble in the Jungle" fight

1975: The German OTRAG setup business in the Congo.

1976-1977: Ebola unleashed in the Congo.

Since there haven't being any cure yet aside from the experimental serum, I think the Lagos State and the Nigeria federal government should encourage alternative medicine practitioners from the sphere of traditional/indigenous root workers to come forward and prove the efficacy of their claims while being steadfast on their vow to arrest any Ebola-curing clergies and anyone peddling the ludicrous saltwater solution. Also what Lagosians need do is take precautionary measures as highlighted on EbolaFacts and tune in to 99.3 Nigerian Info for update about this issue.

Millitary-industrial complex activists within Euro-american governments are always supporting weak governments like that of Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa Za Banga, etc so that lands and resources can be used for anything including outrageous experiments. After an outbreak of a deliberately weaponized virus created in some secret lab, it is usually unleashed on Africans for whatever twisted reasons to which there are always a ready made explanation to convince the world that it all began somewhere in the tropical jungle in Africa where every Kumbaya singing untermensch eats bats and sleep with monkeys.

For those who might think this is some spurious conspiracy theory, well my analysis is informed by connection of several dots and any disbelieving readers can read up more incontrovertible facts HERE where the full details on Ebola and the origin of HIV/AIDS can be read. By pressing Ctrl+F and type OTRAG it will jump to the report that linked the German company to the origin of Ebola.

"...Talk of MALARIA! At what point did we Africans become helpless victims of it that Euro-America now have to be where we must get the cure from? We were living and thriving when the first European ships arrived on the shores of DINA (Elmina) in 1471 and there are historical accounts of what happened to Europeans who came. For over a century they were coming and dying like sick chickens. The so-called missionaries were dying from malaria illness, some as early are as two weeks! Later all they had to do was to humble their ego and allow 'NATIVE DOCTORS' to treat them with HERBS! We never died of malaria, so...when did we lose our intelligence as AFRICANS and got hooked on to the CHLOROQUINE and now ATER? Aren't people now dying from these drugs?
Why haven't I taken any of this drug at age 31 (all my life)? I still take the herbs I saw my grandmother use and the wisdom is do not wait to get malaria before taking it. Now, they must so media hype and exaggerate over this ANTWERP-MADE laboratory virus called EBOLA in Africa. Can't people keep calm and stop panicking, and allow us some serenity of mind to think out solutions? No, they won't because it's all part of the MARKET CREATION PROCESS that is fueled by the media hysteria. It's like when you have Maths question before you to think through and ONE IS DRUMMING AND SINGING in the class!!! In ancient times, the HERBALIST took a lonely walk in the dead silence of the dawn on his search for cure. The mind requires silence in its search for solution! ALLOW AFRICA TO THINK ON ITS OWN!!f it's food THEY CLAIM we need, they will FORCE GMO on us. If it's Security they claim we need, they'll force War and Military bases on us. If it's cure they claim we need, they'll force drugs on us! It's no genuine desire to SOLVE AFRICA'S PROBLEM! It's a greedy QUEST to 'commodify' and commercialise our challenges FOR PROFIT!

Visit here for the Nairaland version of this blog post.

Thanks for reading.

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