EPISODE: 26-02-2015
I felt so darned to have slept over this topic, I banged all evening to Avenged Sevenfold while I worked on my animation till about 10pm, the aftermath was me waking in between and dozing back off as the discussion went on in my ear-stuck ear-pods. It was loud as usual, I was so exhausted that I was unable to pick-up some things that could have kept me excitedly on. By the time I could get off from my mortal slumbering, I could only hope that the talk-show was more interesting than the 'Lost City' segment of Roman Empire.
Well, well, well....immortality, to the best of my understanding immortality is not a new idea, the idea to cheat death is one that has been fathomed for eons among various cultures and civilization, if I can remember there was this Chinese emperor in ancient time who tasked it navy on a deep sea-quest to acquire a mystical plants fabled for its power to bestow immortality.
Seriously, I wouldn't know if the legend is true or not but coming back home I can to an extent speak upon certain esoteric means to which various Yoruban-type of immortality can be attained, however not without their due consequences and conditions. At any degree, what really is behind the idea of an immortal quality? Secondly, one should be careful not to confuse invincibility [un-kill-able] and the ability to overcome the curse of aging. They are two completely different ideas to which either could be unknowingly referred to for the intent of attaining immortality.
Far back in my early teens, there's a website I can't seem to recall its address but which asserted that if any human can bear the detailed plan of heaven on the body, he is (Christian heaven I suppose) on will live forever. Let's assume that is true or even possible, wouldn't it negate the mytheological standpoint that only the Gods are reckoned to be immortals? Perhaps the human will become a God or have Godly attributes depending on the inclination he/she is naturally predisposed to.
Without much further a Yoruba and a scientific investigator and researcher of the efficacy of various metaphysical-based powers peculiar to a branch of our ancestral believe system of Ifa known as isegun, I have come to realize there are tried and tested possibilities that some of our ancestors and forefathers have used to extend their longevity beyond the usual life-span of an homo-sapien.
There are elders in Yorubaland who still in possession of certain esoteric information that can make fool of the scientific attempts to achieve what they called 'rapid cellular regeneration' a hypothetical genetic-engineering condition that would force human tissue cells to be reproduced much faster for every dead bunch.
Based on Yoruba Advanced Sciences, there is:
GBEKUDE (Tie Death By Way of Hanging or Suspension):
There are various versions of this YAS. It is meant to literally hang that inevitable moment in one's timeline where one is bound to die. Truly our African ancestors were the wisest to have figured how to do this. In my line-age, I am told of a certain powerful great-great-grandfather who did what I know is a particular version of this gbekude that involved the tying of a pestle to the ceiling roof with the thread of a spider's web such that whenever deaths come calling, it must postponed itself, but the day whatever [I know for sure to be some sort of force/energy yet unknown to science] is responsible for suspending the heavy object used for pounding yam is countered and falls, is the day the gbekude user is kicking the bucket, else the person may get to live forever and ever.
OYEKU (That Which Divert Death):
This is yet another anti-death YAS commonly used by our Yoruba forefathers and wise ancestors who founded and perfected to a degree this aspect of isegun which is meant to prolong their life. Note, this particular ad-YAS which exists in various versions and preparations is not meant for the purpose of skipping death, unlike gbekude, the Oyeku purpose is to disallow death to run it due course which is why those who used this ad-YAS can be seen to age, skin-worned, scrawny for as long as they can be noticed but won't die unless the Oyeku which can be in the form of a ring, ingestion, etc is destroyed and this could find out through the consultation of Ifa where an appropriate solution is proffered to lay the suffering human to rest.
Stay tuned for the rest which I will update on this page with Apaji and Ajidewe later before the ending of the week.
Thanks for reading
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